Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quad-Vent Part 2 Shooting Range

Today's event was quite early for most. For some reason I woke up really early 8 a.m. to be exact. So I did some cleaning and getting ready before going out to the shooting range. So I leave and I pick up Michael because he had no cars and then after we headed out to Mary Ann's house. It was cool because we haven't seen her in so long because of her really busy schedule and all her traveling and such . So picked her up and still hasn't changed which is good because I like her like that. We picked up Jason because he knew where it was and we headed toward Target Masters. Denni was there already and when we got in we hand to watch a video first because we did not have real experience with a fire arm. It was fine but it kind of tripped me out and made Mary Ann nervous because the video was basically how we may either kill ourselves or each other which would prefer to avoid. So we got acquainted with the gun we were renting and having a feel for it to be comfortable.Lori soon came after when we were messing with the gun but she didn't shoot. So we had a go at in the 2 lanes we got I did not do so well unless people can die from getting shot in the shoulder. My aim was horrible but it got better. Everyone was hitting their targets so it was cool. It was really fun shooting stuff once you get the hang of it. Yeah I had one really good shot in the neck so awesome looked like a stoma.

So after some of us were hungry so we went to Great Mall. Had lunch there got food from all different places and we walked around for a bit. We walked around just to burn off what we ate. Passed a few stores here and there but had to leave because Mary Ann had to go to a meeting. So we said bye to Lori and I dropped off Jason. On the way back home we spontaneously decided to go watch Despicable Me because Mary Ann hasn't seen it yet. So we drop her off at the meeting and me and Michael got to Costco to buy the tickets and I also bought us some hot dogs. We came back for her and we watched the movie. It was the 2nd time me and Michael watched it. As tired as I was I also took in consideration of how I rarely see Mary Ann so I should probably spend whatever time I could with her. The movie still was really good and funny a future DVD/Blu Ray purchase. So yeah took Mary Ann home and me and Michael played COD till he got picked up. Today was truly an AWESOME DAY.

So after shooting some of us were hungry

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